An inspiring write up from Barton, Brigg & Wolds Circuit's eco-journey
The 'Totally Locally Eco-Fair' was started up in March 2023. It ran for 9 months and attracted a number of stallholders including Zero Waste Café, GreenJay eco-products and from early on both Men in Sheds and RebootNL who worked together with the latter doing computer repairs and the former more general repairs to all manner of broken and nonfunctioning items! Initially this ran from the Methodist Church and then in an attempt to boost footfall from St Johns Church Hall with easy access from the high street.
Though supported by a number of adherents there was never enough public interest to make this financially viable. Those stall holders who needed a certain level of sales to make it worthwhile never quite achieved this. And if they pulled out that made the event less attractive to the passing punter! Reflecting on this experience we came to the conclusion that our objective was never to 'buy' our way out of a climate crisis by promoting the consumption of more 'stuff' even, if they were eco products. Rather the priority is on reuse and recycle. So, we have no plans to run the eco-fair in 2024.
However, that's not the end! We have retained and developed the core, mainly non-purchasing, services of the Oikos
Malcolm Bailey
Superintendent Minister: Rev Vicki Atkinson
Tel : 01724-733307
General enquiries : Circuit Office
Tel : 01724-848015
Office hours : Mon & Thurs 8:00am to 2:00pm