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Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough
Methodist Circuit

Climate Matters

news 3

Climate Matters
It is vitally important that we keep focussed on the climate emergency that is threatening the future of humanity. We are constantly distracted by other pressing issues: NHS waiting lists, war in Ukraine, death and destruction in Gaza and the West Bank and the threat of escalation, the massive displacement of populations caused by violence and famine and the pollution and mass migrations fuelled by the international situation. But the climate catastrophe is our major concern. We are not on target to achieve our ambitious promises to keep global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Carbon emissions continue to rise. No end is in sight to the extraction of oil, coal and gas. Net zero is too remote a goal. Both our church's reports to Conference speak of hope but this is a hope we can only deserve if we are prepared to work for it by recycling more, aiming for zero landfill, walking and using public transport as often as we can and putting plant based foods in our diets for our health and the health of the planet and the future of our grandchildren. Not everyone can buy an electric car or an air source heat pump, solar panels and storage batteries in order to get rid of gas but have you looked into North Lincolnshire's Community Energy Scheme (NLCE) as suggested last time we met? That would be a witness and a commitment. The good news is that it was reported to the Epworth Wesley Memorial Church Council that an environmental audit had been submitted to A Rocha Eco Church and we await their evaluation. This helps to fulfil Aim 6 of the Action For Hope report which is to have 50% of Methodist Churches registered with Eco Church by 2026.
Deacon Cedric May

Get In Touch

Superintendent Minister: Rev Vicki Atkinson
Tel : 01724-733307

General enquiries : Circuit Office
Tel : 01724-848015
Office hours : Mon & Thurs 8:00am to 2:00pm

Circuit Map

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