Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough Logo Link
Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough
Methodist Circuit


Our Mission is to respond to our calling as Christians to live the gospel by word and actions, to enable others to know and follow Christ and to nurture mutual growth as Christians and integral members of the community.

Our Objectives, by which to achieve our vision and mission in our local community are to:-

Develop our existing links with the wider community.
Improve contact with existing users of the premises.
Build new bridges and links into the local community.
Provide better facilities to resource community activities.
Raise the visibility of the church in terms of premises, community service and contemporary worship that it might be seen as integral to the community.
Welcome community participation as well as financial contributions to activities to benefit the wider society and world.

Get In Touch

Superintendent Minister: Rev Vicki Atkinson
Tel : 01724-733307

General enquiries : Circuit Office
Tel : 01724-848015
Office hours : Mon & Thurs 8:00am to 2:00pm

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1133752