Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough Logo Link
Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough
Methodist Circuit

Our Logo

esg logo full

The Epworth, Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Methodist Circuit logo was designed for us by Luke Swinney. The cooling towers in the top left section represent the view of Scunthorpe Steelworks that can be seen from the Brigg Road. The wind turbines on the top right quadrant represent these forms of renewable energy that can be found scattered throughout the fields in the rural areas of our circuit, on the Isle of Axholme and beyond.

The 2 bottom sections of the logo represent the rivers and waterways that are significant in the area, including the River Trent and the River Eau. The main theme colours – blue and green- reflect the Lincolnshire Methodist District colours. Blue for the rivers and the sea. Green for the farming land. We are proud of the rich history and diversity of our circuit.'

Get In Touch

Superintendent Minister: Rev Vicki Atkinson
Tel : 01724-733307

General enquiries : Circuit Office
Tel : 01724-848015
Office hours : Mon & Thurs 8:00am to 2:00pm

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Registered Charity no. 1133752